Meet the Renovators
Chanell McAsey
Managing Partner of Titanium Recruitment
Chanell has extensive experience and an exceptional understanding of the needs and profiles of all elements of real estate staffing.
Rex Afrasiabi
Founding Principal of M A Legal
Rex boasts much more than an impressive track record as a senior solicitor, legal counsel, and lead litigator, with a well-deserved reputation for his business acumen, particularly in regard to the real estate industry.
Bill Nikolouzakis
CRO, COO of Proptech Group
Bill a multiple company founder and investor across Property, Finance and Technology.
Bill is currently the CRO and COO of Proptech Group (ASX:PTG), a fast growth ASX listed technology company, Non-Executive Director at the privately held Urban Seed Projects and was previously CEO of ASX listed iBuyNew (ASX:IBN).